AI Expert in Document - Canon HongKong

06 Nov 2020

    AI Expert in Document

    Canon business mobile platform - Antelope MobileWork – has an AI expert to help document processing. It employs Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to automatically complete classification and indexing of cloud document. Business document can be therefore accessed easily and instantly for enhanced working efficiency. User can simply scan documents in Antelope MobileWork Application on smartphone or through multi-function device. Its AI technology will help capture useful data and classify documents by type automatically. The files will then be stored on related cloud folders for future usage. With the aid of intelligent solution, employees can retrieve business document smartly and instantly at anywhere and anytime.

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    Intelligent Data Capture

    After scanning document via Antelope MobileWork app on smartphone or multi-function device, AI expert will automatically capture useful data on document. This will help save costs on time and human resources, as well as capture information more quickly and accurately.

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    Automated Document Classification

    It can Index the documents and classify them based on the captured data. The files will then be saved into corresponding cloud folders instantly, eliminating repetitive yet tedious tasks on document processing.

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    Efficient Cloud Retrieval

    User can easily search documents with keywords such as file type, invoice number and vendor name. Cloud storage also allows them to access and retrieve documents anytime and anywhere, making mobile workplace possible.

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