Vacation Hacks - Canon HongKong

19 Mar 2024

    Vacation Hacks

    Unlocking the HR department’s vacation hacks! All-rounded information management solution, Therefore™ Online, newly launched the e-Leave Application. This add-on is specifically designed to empower HR departments in streamlining the management of digital information, expediting various types of leave applications and approval procedures. Seamlessly integrated into the corporate intranet and Microsoft Teams, it facilitates instant connectivity across diversified departments while offering high flexibility to the existing HR policies. Hence, significantly reducing employee adaptation time and elevating the efficiency of HR operations.

    Vacation Hacks

    Unparalleled compatibility for one-click approval

    Upon receiving automated email notification generated from the system, supervisors and HR personnel can review and approval applications through the web portal, mobile application, or Microsoft Teams, regardless of their location.

    Vacation Hacks

    Intelligent calculation and convenient analysis

    Featuring automated real-time leave balance calculations for employees’ access at their convenience. Moreover, HR department can sort data within the system, and neatly export records to Excel for record checking, easy analysis, and salary calculations.

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