Canon’s Production Print Solution Department attains Fogra ProcessStandard Digital (PSD) Professional Certification - Canon HongKong

26 Mar 2024

    Canon’s Production Print Solution Department attains Fogra ProcessStandard Digital (PSD) Professional Certification

    Five specialists from Canon Hongkong’s Production Print Solution Department have successfully completed the assessment and attained the professional certification in Fogra's ProcessStandard Digital (PSD). Fogra is an internationally recognized printing technology research association, has been dedicated to developing certification systems within the printing industry for over 75 years. The PSD certification is specifically designed for digital printing to ensure controllable production through clearly defined standard work processes and objective testing methods, as a tool for internal quality management. The PSD assessment encompasses three major areas, including output process control, color fidelity, and standardized workflows.

    Mr. Kenny Lau, Manager of Production Print Solution Department, enthusiastically shared his thoughts on the course and assessment, saying, “The content of the course was much richer and more extensive than anticipated. Not only did it focus on digital print, but it also covered a wide range of knowledge related to print standardization processes, ISO standards, color management, and more. The course was highly practical, and the instructors demonstrated an exceptional level of technical expertise, both in theory and practice. We are extremely satisfied with this fruitful course, as it has provided us with invaluable assistance in our further work.”

    With the PSD qualification, Canon Hongkong’s Production Print Solution team is actively committed to offering expert advice to customers. By leveraging Canon’s varioPRINT iX and imagePRESS series, they ensure customers’ color matching and output expectation are consistently met. Canon’s experts also assist in standardizing workflows to empower enterprises to streamline costs, elevate quality, and enhance efficiency, thereby creating a competitive edge for businesses.