Intergrated Records Solution - Canon HongKong

One-stop Document Management Solution

irs (integrated records solutions) is provided by Kerry Business Outsourcing Solutions (KBOS), a member company of Kerry Logistics, which combines strength of Canon and Kerry Logistics to offer total and innovative records management solution.


In fast changing market, demand for document management is getting higher in business. Scanning classification, security, document quantity and lack of storage capacity problems are big challenges for business.

irs demonstrates the strength of Canon and KBOS, combined with advanced devices and equipment. It is a total and innovative records management solution offering scanning, classification, records retention, digital imaging, logistics services and security under one roof. irs manages the entire life cycle of your documents with systemic indexing and easy access at fingertips.

All documents are sent to Kerry irs Records Centre. The entire process is under strictest control with process engineering to ensure both the confidentiality of original documents and quality of the digital imaging. Documents can be saved in different formats such as paper, CD, recorder tape. Customers can utilize the storage space and warehouse location according to document security level.

Advantage of Digitization
With digitized records, information flow can be streamlined as information can be either centralized or decentralized according to your management objective, such as

  • To enable effective information sharing and knowledge management
  • To allow instant customer services by shortening records retrieval time by 99%
  • To seize business opportunities by accessing timely and comprehensive information anytime and anywhere in multiple electronic forms
  • To manage any contingency or crisis to ensure business continuity

Expert Consulting Services
In order to design a tailor-made records retention program for your organization, irs professionals will

  • Conduct a Needs Assessment in collaboration with your staff to identify appropriate manner, policy and procedure
  • Advise an optimal and cost-effective records solution to cope with your specific business process

Advanced Digital Imaging Technology
In order to create digitized records from physical records, all document scanning and digital imaging with irs will

  • Use Canon's powerful digital imaging technology "Document Management System" to achieve optimal resolution quality standard for storage or retrieval in multiple electronic forms
  • Be supported by a powerful search engine to enhance the effectiveness of your record management in a highly secure and efficient manner

Ideal Centre Location
The irs Scanning Centre is strategically located Kerry Logistics self-owned premises in Chai Wan and is specifically designed to provide the pioneering intergraded records retention services with strict security measures and procedures including

  • Centralization of original documents handling and digital imaging process to endure confidentiality and security
  • 24-hour access control
  • Advanced CCTV and alarm systems
  • 10 minute drive to Central and 30 minute drive to other major business areas in Hong Kong Island and Kowloon