Canon Group Companies Support the ‘Earth Hour’ Light Off Campaign for 13 Consecutive years
Organized by World Wide Fund for Nature, the world's largest annual global environmental movement event, Earth Hour has been successfully held on March 27 from 8:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. The event aims to encourage people around the world to turn off non-essential lights and stand-by mode electrical appliances on the same day same hour to show their concern and commitment to address the global climate change issue.
As a responsible corporate citizen, Canon Group actively responded to the appeal and called on branch companies worldwide to participate together. This year turns the 13 consecutive years of joining by Canon Hongkong Company Limited (Canon HK). In addition to light off on the event day, Canon HK set up an “Earth Hour” Pledge Signing Board in the office area for staff to sign. They pledge to change their daily living styles and practice low-carbon living habits for a sustainable future for our planet.

Canon HK responds to the appeal of Earth Hour by turning off the non-essential lightings and stand-by mode electrical appliances on the event day 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm.

Promotional messages were also posted in Facebook and LinkedIN pages of Canon HK on the event date, to encourage more people to join this meaningful light off campaign.