Annual Beach Clean–up Service Canon Volunteer Team proceed with determination in Saving the Environment - Canon HongKong

10 Nov 2019

    Annual Beach Clean–up Service

    Canon Volunteer Team proceed with determination in Saving the Environment

    Adhering to the Company’s “Kyosei” philosophy in contributing utmost to support environmental conservation activities, Canon Hong Kong (Canon HK) Corporate Volunteer Team has held the annual beach clean-up services for the 3rd consecutive year, encouraging employees to take action to protect coastal environment and convey the awareness of waste reduction at source.

    Held on the 10 Nov, a team of 60 Canon HK volunteers joined together for the beach clean-up service at Tsin Yue Wan in Tai O, co-organized by the Green Earth. A total of 100 bags of waste weighing around 300 kg were picked, which included 790 plastic bottles of drinks, shampoo and medicine, beverage cartons and pieces of Styrofoam.

    Apart from picking up rubbish, all the collected bottles also used to support the “Research on Brands of Waste PET Beverage Container” in order to drive the bottle producers to take greater responsibility on waste reduction. Following the instructions by the Green Earth professional representatives, volunteers helped to categorize the plastic bottles according to their brands and languages (traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, English & others) printed on surface, take photos for record and mark the number for the categorized plastic bottles. The Green Earth will use this survey result to trigger public awareness on habits to recycle used bottles and drive force in waste reduction at source. The services is ended with sand painting by all volunteers while enjoying the stunning and fresh scenery.

    Canon HK Corporate Volunteer Team was officially established in 2015, cohering to the Canon’s corporate philosophy “Kyosei” and dedicating its unrelenting efforts in Corporate Social Responsibility to contribute better community. Aside from charity donations and sponsorships, Canon HK is even more eager to empower the society by getting in real touch with the needy. Encouraging Canon HK employees to put love and care into actions to reciprocating the society. Meanwhile, the team share care and happiness to the public by making better use of the brand’s imaging expertise.

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