imageCLASS X C1533iF II

imageCLASS X C1533iF II 擁有出色的彩色打印質量,操作簡便和高速掃描功能及廣泛的紙張處理,能在新常態下的業務運營中助你提高工作效率。

  • A4 多功能彩色文件處理系統
  • 影印 / 列印速度最高可逹 33/33 ppm (彩色及黑白)


Excellent Colour Quality & Usability

With V² (Vivid & Vibrant) colour imaging technology, imageCLASS X C1533iF II produces excellent colour printouts at 33 pages per minute (ppm). Experience great usability as positions of frequently used buttons are repositioned to provide better accessibility, and timeline feature helps users complete routine tasks with a single touch.

Efficient Digitisation

To facilitate companies’ digitisation effort, imageCLASS X C1533iF II comes with high-speed scanning of up to 190 images per minute (ipm) for A4 documents, and supports for a wide range of originals such as business cards to A4. With built-in wired and wireless LAN connectivity, companies have the flexibility to choose the setup that is best suited to their office infrastructure.

Fortified Security

With ever increasing risks of cyber-attacks, it is crucial for MFD to keep its security features up to date to prevent any potential compromises. From Verify System at Startup to WPA3 protocol and Force Hold Print, imageCLASS X C1533iF II provides multiple features to ensure 360-degree protect to device, network and documents.