Toner Bottles - Canon HongKong

​Toner Bottles

​Recycle on Delivery - Easy & Eco-friendly

Toner Bottles Recycling Program

According to statistics provided by the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department, commercial and industrial waste comprise of 24% of total waste disposed to landfill in Hong Kong in 2015. To drive waste reduction among our customers, Canon provides toner bottles collection service. As of December 2020, the cumulative volume of toner bottle collected is equivalent to 39.4 double deck buses, thus contributing to a substantial reduction of landfill waste.

How to Recycle

Step 1:
Pack the used toner bottle in a carton box and mark “EMPTY“ on the box.
Step 2:

Tell us the number of empty toner bottles you will return when ordering new toner bottles via our hotline, and pass the empty toner bottles to our courier while delivering your order.