
SELPHY Photo Layout

Wirelessly Creative

Print wirelessly through SELPHY Photo Layout and be creative about the endless combination of layouts on your compatible mobile devices.

Whether dividing the layout equally, randomly shuffling the layout, creating a bookmark or even combining the different layouts, the app would do it all for you with just a few clicks. You can then print directly with compatible SELPHY printers or save it as an image on your device.

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Endless Possibilities

Shuffle Layout - shuffles selected images of different aspect ratios to create a collage

N-up Layout - divides the layout equally into 2, 4 or 8 photos

Bookmark - creates two equal length layouts suitable for bookmark

Combination Layout - places all selected images of different sizes together

Intuitive User Interface

  iOS1 Android2

iOS 11.4, 12.4.3, 13 onwards

iPad OS 13 onwards

Android 5.0-5.1, 6, 7.0-7.1, 8.0-8.1, 9, 10
Device Mobile Devices that supports the above OS
Image Format JPEG, PNG or Apple's 8-bit HEIF3 JPEG or PNG
Supported Languages Japanese, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese,Russian, Korean, Turkish, and Portuguese (Brazil)
Supported Regions All countries and regions available on App Store

All countries and regions available on Google Play4



1 iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license.

2 Android is a trademark of Google LLC.

3 It is supported by reading the system.

4 Except for countries/regions under Export Admistration Act.