Canon Hong Kong Support Annual Green Programs to Celebrate Lunar New Year Sustainably - Canon HongKong

28 Feb 2022

Canon Hong Kong Support Annual Green Programs

to Celebrate Lunar New Year Sustainably

Canon Hongkong Company Limited (Canon Hong Kong) strives to instill CSR awareness into daily life. Contributing to our community and environment, Canon Hong Kong has participated the “Lunar New Year Food Donation Program” and “Lai See Reuse and Recycle Program” in this Lunar New Year.

To spread our care and blessings to help people in need with action, Canon Hong Kong has invited all our colleagues to donate intact packaged food for the “Lunar New Year Food Donation Program”. Thanks to the generous support of colleagues, altogether over 370 packs of food have been collected and donated to Kindness Centre from St. James' Settlement, including food gift set, assorted food included noodles, canned food, cereal, biscuit, etc.

According to the statics of Greener Action, the annual consumption of 320 million red packets by Hong Kong people is equivalent to deforesting 16,300 trees. We hope to remind colleagues to be eco-friendly while enjoying the New Year tradition. That’s why, Canon Hong Kong has supported “Lai See Reuse and Recycle Program” over 10 years. Together with Canon Engineering Hong Kong (CEHK), over 6,050 pieces of red packets have been collected from the staff and contributed to waste reduction.

In total, over 370 items are donated to Kindness Centre from St. James' Settlement to help people in need.
To call for action, a food collection tour was arranged in the head office. It was well-received by our colleagues!
Canon Hong Kong has supported the annual signature event of Greeners Action as “Red Packet Sponsor” over 10 consecutive years.

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